Friday, May 25, 2012

First Day of (My) Summer

Hope everyone has had a great week! Sorry I've been AWOL - still. I really thought things would slow down after my son's graduation but - nope! I spent this week wrapping things up for the summer at the day job. One of the things I enjoy about working at a school is having the summer (at least eight weeks of it) off. I'm hoping to spend some of my time off getting the things done I don't have time to do during the school year, wedding planning (my oldest daughter is getting married in January and yes, I was a baby when I had her! ;), reading, relaxing, spending time with family and friends and being more consistent with my blogs! Hopefully you will be hearing from (and seeing) a little more of me over the next few weeks (if I can manage to get out of my p.j.'s and into something cute!).

This was my official first day of summer break. I stayed in my p.j.'s until 11:00AM when my oldest and I remembered we had a dress fitting appointment for her wedding gown at 12:00PM! Yikes! Hence the hat. No time to fix the hair so a braid and a hat to the rescue! I took a few minutes to snap some quick pics since I vowed once my summer began I'd blog more. We made it to the appointment on time and her wedding dress fits perfectly! She's going to be the most beautiful bride!

Hope you all have a wonderful, restful, family filled, savvy and stylish long weekend!

<3 Mz Savvy Style


Rory said...

I looove your shoes! and that giant orange necklace is absolutely perfect. I have a thing for big, colorful necklaces. They just add SO MUCH to an outfit! I just found your blog and I love it! I love your "mission statement" so to speak which is on your header. I agree--anyone, no matter who they are, can be savvy and stylish :). I'm a new GFC follower! can't wait to see more from you! <3
Crystal Bullet Necklace Giveaway!!!

Nicole Feliciano said...

A hat and a great bag and you are set. Hope the fitting went well.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Love lounging in my jammies and I love your necklace!