Thursday, July 26, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things ~ Shoes, Necklaces, Shopping and Denial

This has been a week of denial for me. Denial that I'm about to start back to the day job and my days of being able to get things done not pertaining to the day job are ending quickly. So my long list of "things to do this summer" still sits there with quite a few things still not crossed off and I went shopping instead! (Seriously, I don't want you all to think I just sat around eating bonbons all summer! My list was just very long and I don't think it's possible to get it all done in six weeks ~ that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Some of this week's favorite things:

~ Shoes... Always a favorite!!! The fabulous turquoise and purple platforms were given to me by my son's girlfriend and my youngest daughter. The girls were at TJMaxx, saw these beauties on clearance and knew they needed to come live with me! Smart, savvy girls! When they brought them home I was wearing sweat shorts, an old t-shirt and was watching TV but I believe new shoes must be worn immediately, hence the picture of my feet in these fab shoes in front of the TV! The other pair of shoes were also on clearance (don't you LOVE these summer clearance sales?!?) at one of my favorite downtown Athens shops, Fab'rik. The shoes are almost identical to a much more expensive pair I've been craving all summer! Score!

~ Necklaces... Another love of mine. My collection keeps growing and growing. I believe accessories, especially a great statement necklace, can change the look of an outfit. A simple T and jeans will turn into a fabulous outfit when you toss on a statement necklace. These necklaces are the most recent additions to my wardrobe. I mentioned the turquoise beaded necklace in last Friday's "favorite things" because I had just ordered it, but I picked it up this week so here it is again! It's going to be featured in this coming Monday's post as well so stop back by and see how I styled it for the first time out. I ordered it from another of my favorite Athens shops, The Red Dress Boutique. They have a fabulous website along with their beautiful downtown shop, so if you are not here in town you can place an order and have it shipped directly to you! The other necklace was also mentioned in a post earlier this week but I wanted to brag on it again. It's a vintage, reconstructed brass chain with a brass cross over a white stone cross and it's huge! I'm in love!! Thanks again to my friend and jewelry designer, Amy, of Funky Trunk Vintage for making me such an amazing piece of jewelry! (She also has peace signs, crystals and other charms in her collection that are equally as fabulous!)

~ Dinner downtown with my family... Dinner out is always a treat but when it's with my husband and kids at our favorite downtown Athens burger joint it's extra special! My kids are growing up quickly and their lives are getting more busy by the day so when we can all sit down, enjoy dinner together and catch up it's definitely my favorite thing of the week!

~ Downtown Shops... As I mentioned above my favorite shops in our little town are downtown. The summer is a great time to head into town and spend the day because the students are gone and it's easy to find parking! My youngest and I decided to take a day this week and just enjoy visiting all the shops. Shopping, frozen yogurt and burgers with our boys ~ it was a perfect day!

How was your week? What were your favorite things? I hope you all have a savvy and stylish weekend!! See you on Monday!

<3 Mz Savvy Style


Denise said...

You are inspiring this dowdy mom to accesorize!! Love your posts!

Anonymous said...

I think starting things can be the hardest part sometimes! Best wishes with everything! Have a great weekend!

XO, Linda at The Style Moodboard

Fashion-isha said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite things! Enjoy the last bit of this weekend!

Marionberry Style said...

Ugh...the last week is always the hardest!! And I totally know what you mean about people thinking we just sit around eating bon bons all sumer. I swear, I think I work harder in the summer to cross things off the personal list than any time of year! I honestly don't know how I do it when I'm working full time! :)
Well, enjoy your final week and do something fun!!
XO - Marion

Megan, said...

love love love love love those bamboo sandals so DV!
Xo Megan

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Great post. I am with you on teh shoes. But I have been buying more flats from Old Navy lately, so it's helping with the price tags of footwear :P Darling little blog you have here <3

Hope you are having a lovely weekend!