Happy Friday, everyone! I'm trying to change things up and set some goals for the blog this year. A few things you will be seeing are:
1. Posts ~ I'm aiming for a minimum of three outfit posts a week. (I'm going for quality not quantity.)
2. Links to find/shop the things (or similar things) I'm wearing in my posts. The whole reason I started my blog was to share my outfit ideas with women so that they could copy my outfits or use my outfits as inspiration. And as a personal shopper I want to make it easy for you to do that! By including links for what I'm wearing (or for similar items if it's no longer available) you can shop my looks directly from my blog with just a click!
3. Better quality pictures ~ I'm working on this and it may take me a while! Currently, and since the beginning of my blog, all of my pictures are taken with an iPhone camera. And I never edit them or use filters. Why? Because I didn't have a "real" camera and I don't get the whole editing thing (so what you see is what you get!) But I got a camera for Christmas, along with a MacBook Pro, so as soon as I figure it all out my pictures will improve!
4. Meilleur de la Samaine ~ which means "Best of the Week" in French. Once I week I want to highlight my favorite post (or two) and my favorite things (products, shows, clothing items, accessories, foods...) from the past week. I'm aiming to do this on Friday or Saturday depending on my schedule. Today is my first "Meilleur de la Samaine"!
5. Answering your fashion/style questions ~ this one I need you all for! As a personal shopper and wardrobe stylist I get a lot of questions about the how,when, where, why of dressing and style and I'd love to help you, my readers, if you have a fashion dilemma! Email me your questions at savvystyle30605@yahoo.com and I will answer them here on the blog!
Now for Meilleur de la Semaine Un ~
It's hard for me to choose my favorite post this week because I was so happy with them all (for once) but to pick one I'll have to go with Tuesday's post "It All Started With The Scarf". The bold colors and the way the outfit came together made me happy!
You can see the full post
here and if you missed this week's other two posts you can see them
here and
Three things I'm loving right now and I want to share with you are all products for the face ~
Juelp Bare Face Cleansing Oil has changed my skin. Totally transformed it. And I would have never tried it if it hadn't come in one of my monthly Juelp boxes about five months ago. I'd always used straight up cleansers ~ the foaming, soapy kind. To use oil to cleanse my skin was totally strange to me but after about a week of using it every night I was hooked and so was my skin! It's so smooth and soft and I'd like to think those little lines have softened some too! Sometimes seeing IS believing!

Unless you have been living under a rock then you have heard of Urban Decay's Naked Eyeshadow Pallets. They have four: Naked, Naked2, Naked Basics and the just-out-this-past-November, Naked3. I didn't get why everyone was raving over this eyeshadow until I received the
Naked2 pallet for Christmas. Let me tell you, all the raving is for good reason! I've never in my life used such great eyeshadow. Every color is a beautiful, wearable neutral, the color lasts all day long and the brush it comes with is the best eyeshadow brush I've ever used. I'm a serious Naked fan now. I'm thinking about trying out
this Naked Flushed blush as soon as my current one runs out.

I've fallen in love with red lipstick! If you'd asked me less than six months ago if in the near future I'd be wearing red lipstick almost every day I would have answered with a big "no"! I was and had been a neutral lipstick girl forever. But I started to see more and more red lips on bloggers and in magazines and then I was in a fashion show with my friend, makeup artist and fellow Athens blogger and brunet Jennifer of
JennySue Makeup and she was ROCKING a red lip. When I told her I couldn't bring myself to get out of my neutral lip box she really encouraged me to give red a try. It took me a while to find the right red, one that went on easily, stayed on and was the right shade, but when I found
this one by L'Oreal I fell in love and now a neutral lip seems boring!
What have you tried recently that you are loving? Any new products that have taken you by surprise?
XO Mz Savvy Style
Linking up with Friday's Fab Favorites, Mamanista Fridays and What I'm Loving Friday's