Happy New Year Again!!
It's January 7th and I'm just getting the chance to do my first post of 2015! Y'all, one of these days life will get a little less crazy for me, right? I'm really hoping that at the end of this school year I'll be able to give up the day job and focus on the blog, Stella & Dot and styling but until then hang with me! I promise to post as much as I can...
Some great changes came for the blog this past year and the best of them all was working with my fabulous photographer, Diana!! No more iPhone pictures for this girls' blog! ha! Seriously, I never realized how awesome having a professional photographer with a real camera taking my pictures could be! I'm so thankful to my blogger buds,
Peaches In A Pod,
Fashionably Lo and
My Style Vita encouraging me (pushing me really) to get a photographer! Another big change this year was my hair!! Sometimes I miss my long locks but most of the time I'm happy with my decision and went even shorter in November. To recap 2014 I went though the blog and picked my favorite outfit from each month of the year, January through December, with an extra thrown in!
March (these pics were actually taken in February but I didn't post them until March) |
May (debuting my new, shorter hair!) |
The picture that convinced me to get a real photographer! My blogger friends, Whitney and Blaire of Peaches In A Pod, took this picture (and a whole series of others) with a real camera to show me how much better my blog pictures would be with a camera and photographer instead of an iPhone and the Hubs!! In just a few weeks I started working with Diana! Thanks, girls!! |
Which is your favorite? I'm looking forward to more fabulous fashion in 2015!
Thank you SO MUCH for reading!! If you have anything you would like to see here on the blog or have any style/fashion questions, please leave a comment or shoot me an email!
XO Elizabeth
PS ~ make sure you are following me on Instagram ~ I spend a lot of time over there! :) |
some very cute looks love the fuchsia skirt in your first picture
Love the year in review. My faves are the red boots and the fa la la top!
Love all these great outfits, I can't even choose a favorite!
God bless,
XO, Claire
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